Pupillage Applications Are Now Open

Holborn Chambers is pleased to offer two 12-month pupillages to start in June 2016. These are funded pupillages offering £6,000, payable in even amounts throughout the initial six-month period and £6,000, guaranteed earnings in the practising (second six-month) period.
Please complete the application form and the equal opportunities monitoring form available on Chambers website and return them to Chambers pupillage committee, care of Mr. Saravanak Kumar. Applications will be accepted by email and post. Email applications should be sent to [email protected]. Posted applications should include a stamped addressed envelope.
A shortlist of applicants will be invited to for an interview in Chambers which will include an advocacy exercise (plea in mitigation or bail application) during interview and questions on legal knowledge.
The closing date for applications is 5.30pm on 20th of April 2016.

Successful Acquittal in the Old Bailey

R v Ellis Davis & Ors: Central Criminal Court, 5 week trial successfully concluded on 22nd September 2015.
Stephen Ellis – Davis represented by Head of Chambers, Stuart Stevens, was one of five men charged with Conspiracy to Kidnap, Conspiracy to Falsely Imprison, Conspiracy to Blackmail, two counts of Possession of an Offensive Weapon and Carrying a Firearm.
It came to light that the alleged victim was a substantial fraudster who stole people’s identities and lived a lavish lifestyle on the proceeds. This lifestyle included embarking on luxury holidays to Las Vegas along with the ownership of various Super Cars and designer clothes.
The defence obtained evidence of the defendant’s substantial criminal activities from his ‘fraud phone’, which Mr Stevens extensively questioned him over.
Following a lengthy five week trial, all five defendants were acquitted by the Jury on all counts.