Terms and Conditions

When instructing a barrister at Holborn Chambers, solicitors are asked to note that the Standard Terms and Conditions apply unless and only unless an express agreement in the alternative is reached and evidenced in writing signed by the solicitor, the barrister and the senior clerk to Chambers before the commencement of any work under the revised terms.

These terms are identical to the terms currently available on the Bar Standards Board website.  These Terms and Conditions also appear at Annex T to the Bar Code of Conduct.


Please note that these Terms and Conditions apply to instructions from solicitors only.  Where a barrister is instructed on a public access basis, he or she will send his or her own terms, or the clerks will do so on the barristers behalf.  If you are a member of the public instructing a public access barrister you will need to review and sign the relevant Terms and Conditions before any work will commence.